Siobhan Murtagh
PhD Researcher
Ulster University
Siobhan Murtagh is a P.h.D Researcher at the School of Education at Ulster University. Her research area of interest is the use of virtual reality with children with Autism. Her work recently has focused on designing, co-producing, and small-scale testing a Virtual Reality tool to assist learners with Autism during their transition from primary school to post-primary school and exploring the barriers and opportunities of this tool in reducing transition-associated anxiety through the virtual familiarity of new places.
Prior to this, Siobhan was Head of Humanities and Geography teacher in a High School in England. She holds a bachelor's degree in Geography with International Development from Ulster University and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (Geography) from Ulster University.
Siobhan is passionate about the future of virtual technologies and believes that they will play a vital future role in reducing anxiety for integration into mainstream settings for children with Autism.